T=0 protocol *
An asynchronous, character-oriented half-duplex transmission protocol.
*http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/secgloss/security/security_glossary.asp -
T=1 protocol
An asynchronous, block-oriented half-duplex transmission protocol.
A combination of monitor, keyboard, mouse, and co-located peripherals, such as smart card readers. Multiple processes may be associated with a single terminal, but only one process controls the terminal at any given time.
Three-phase key-exchange protocol
A protocol used to generate an authenticated and encrypted connection between two users on a nonsecure network. Users exchange a set of messages to negotiate a pair of encryption keys. One key is used by the sender to encrypt messages sent to the receiver and the other is used by the receiver to encrypt messages sent to the sender. This protocol ensures that both users are active and are sending messages directly to each other.
The SHA-1 hash of a certificate.
An operation that allows you to perform multiple interactions as a single operation. Intermediate steps are not actually taken until all interactions are completed successfully. If any interaction fails, all steps are returned to their original setting.
Transport layer
The network layer that is responsible for both quality of service and accurate delivery of information. Among the tasks performed in this layer are error detection and correction.
Transport Layer Security protocol
(TLS) A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network.
Trickler *
An automatic download software that is used to download and install software without user interaction. It may be used to install unauthorized applications and may be used for automatic updates, or other automatic system maintenance.
*Anti-Spyware Coalition Definitions and Supporting Documents -
Triple DES
A variation of the DES block cipher algorithm that encrypts plain text with one key, encrypts the resulting ciphertext with a second key, and finally, encrypts the result of the second encryption with a third key. Triple DES is a symmetric algorithm that uses the same algorithm and keys for encryption and decryption.
Trust provider
The software that decides whether a given file is trusted. This decision is based on the certificate associated with the file.
The user account, group account, or logon session to which an access control entry (ACE) applies. Each ACE in an access control list (ACL) applies to one trustee.